Solving the Fiber Packaging Recycling Puzzle: ReMA’s Fiber Recycling Readiness Tool
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Solving the Fiber Packaging Recycling Puzzle: ReMA’s Fiber Recycling Readiness Tool

The Recycled Materials Association (formerly ISRI) recently unveiled a new tool to help more fiber and paper in the U.S. get recycled. The new ReMA Fiber Recycling Readiness Tool is a free, science-based online resource to assist brands (and packaging companies) as they design or redesign fiber-based packaging for the U.S. market. The Tool assesses whether the packaging will flow through the current recycling infrastructure in the U.S., given pressure points in the current recycling system. It provides customized feedback on how to improve the recyclability of a package, such as changing its size or composition. Attendees will also hear about the Tool’s development, its advantages, and plans for the future.

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