Navigating OSHA’s Expanded Worker Walkaround Rule
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) unveiled a new rulemaking which goes into effect May 31, 2024, significantly expanding the scope of individuals who may participate in the walkaround phase of OSHA’s workplace inspections. For example, third parties who are not employees of the employer being inspected may be permitted to enter the workplace and assist OSHA in the inspection. If the workplace is a non-union facility, a representative of a union that does not represent the employees may be permitted to enter the workplace to assist OSHA in the inspection. This rule greatly expands who may participate in the inspection and has the potential to create disruption during the inspection and also increase the potential for citations. In our upcoming webinar, we’ll discuss the rulemaking and its history, implications for employers, define the criteria for third party accompaniment, and what you can do to be prepared. Join us, and our labor law experts, and learn how to effectively navigate inspections under this new framework.